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Wolkenzauber is a 1998 black 16.3hh overo son of Winnetou and an
exciting stallion for any breeding program. He'll definitely add a
little "WOW" to the equation. Successfully shown to 2nd level and now
competing as a 3-day eventer at Training and Preliminary levels, he
impresses us every day with his versatility and character - always a
horse with a smile on his face as he exceeds our expectations. His
progeny have earned numerous HOTY awards and Breeder's Series
Championships and continue to prove themselves as mounts with the
ability to succeed at the national levels, while maintaining trainable,
amateur-friendly minds. Daughter Wolkenkarat dominated the 4 yr old YH
division last year and looks to be planning a repeat performance this
year in the 5 yr olds. Son Wildly Romantic attended his first show of
2010 and garnered wins in both the in hand and under saddle classes
with scores from 80% to 85.6%!!! Several other foals have earned
championships at their inspections and gone on to be stellar mounts for
their proud amateur owners.
"Merlin" is currently enjoying his "second career" as an eventer.
Ridden by Joshua Lacy of Equi-Librium Equestrian, Merlin has
consistantly dominated the dressage phase and then shown his bravery
and scope when tackling the jumping questions on course - always
finishing in the ribbons and garnering more than a fair share of the
attention of the spectators with his engaging demeanor. He continues
to prove himself both in competition and in the breeding shed - having
ridden both father and progeny gives us a unique insight to the
substantial values this stallion brings into the equation.
 Wolkenzauber and Joshua, partners in crime! (above left) Wolkenzauber and Josh cross country! (above right)
 Wolkenzauber wins at Thunderbird Show in Canada!
Winnetou |
Neuquen xx |
Hardicanute |
Nigeria |
Winzerin |
Wienerwald |
Doelchen |
Truly Scenic |
Scenic Jetalito |
Jetalito |
C Note's See Saw |
Whistling Frog |
High Spot Lobo |
Rocking B Spook |

To keep life interesting and just so we could say: “He's done it all!” Wolkenzauber attacked the cross country course!!!! Patrick Billes schooled him up to preliminary and competed him training level in October 2008 with fantastic results. Who would have thought my “old” Dressage horse had that in him????

 Friends without borders.

- by Wolkenzuaber out of Wondra
by Wonderful (Weltmeyer/Bolero)
Dam is Premium RPSI |
(above) Windtalker (Wolkenzauber x Wondra) at 2 years old |
 (above) Windtalker (Wolkenzauber x Wondra) at 3 years old |

Wolkenkarat (Wolkenzauber x Hochkarat) Wolkenkarat, multiple USDF Champion
 Wolkenkarat earning her HOY for Materiale summer 2008.
 Wolkenkarat, by Wolkenzauber out of Hochkarat, won USDF HORSE OF THE YEAR for 3 year olds under sadle.

Wolkenzauber's Timepiece (Wizard) Wolkenzauber x QH

White Quartercarat Wolkenzauber x Hochkarat
Another winner: White Quartercarat (Wolkenzauber x Hochkarat) |

White Romance Wolkenzauber x D`Romantica/Don Frederico

Wolkenfabio 2008 colt by Wolkenzauber x Fabiola/Florestan

- by Wolkenzuaber out of Suerte
Whitewash received the Gold Premium at the 2005 RPSI inspection in California. |

Word of Honor
2003 black (minimal white)
overo RPSI colt by Wolkenzauber (Winnetou x Truely Scenic)
out of Trakehner mare (Flaneur/Pik Ass lines). |

(Wolkenzauber x trakehner mare)
Owned by: Dawn Elswick
Here is a picture of Indian Magic and his dam Curly (Trak
mare by Schoenfelder) at the AWS approvals at 2 month
of age.
He got his blue preferred status and branded AWS. Excellent
temperament. |

West By Northeast
Owned by Pat Franze
He is pictured here at 20 months.

2 years old.
Penuche at 5 years old.


She is out of a Largo
Mare and is bred and owned by Kirk Bauer.

2003 Buckskin overo colt
(Wolkenzauber x Dazzelen Teak)
Breeder: Barbara Bockstruck, Hauser, ID |

on Clouds
Wolkenzauber X Forever
Eskimo (TB)
Now proudly owned by Merilee Krinett
Kea Au, Hawaii

Product of Wolkenzauber/Eclat (TB/Hannoverian)
Owned by Pat Franze of Massachusetts

Wolkenzauber X QH mare
Bred by Monika Currier
Yahk BC Canada
Owned by Suzie Covolik
Crete Nebraska

The Hoyt family in Cle Elum, WA. is celebrating the birth of Spartan (by Wolkenzauber).

Wolkenauber x QH dam

Wolkenzauber X Lonestar
Mackee (TB)
2001 Champion at RPSI Inspection
Owned by Helen Allerding
Spokane, WA

White Tiger
Filly out of a TB mare
and sired by Wolkenzauber.